kakaowy wypiek owsiany z (czeko)bananem i kokosem; zielona herbata
cocoa oats bake with (choco)banana and shredded coconut; green tea
przepis / recipe (+1 łyżeczka kakao / +1 t cocoa powder )
owsianka (pł. owsiane, otręby) z puree z dyni, siemieniem lnianym, cynamonem, imbirem, bananem, żurawiną i polewą piernikową
porridge (rolled oats, bran) with pumpin puree, linseed, cinnamon, ginger, banana, cranberries n gingerbread topping
porridge (rolled oats, bran) with pumpin puree, linseed, cinnamon, ginger, banana, cranberries n gingerbread topping
proteinowa pizza z serkiem kremowym, kiwi, bananem, jabłkiem, malinami, migdałami, żurawiną i orzechową czeko; herbata z napojem aloe vera
low-carb pizza w. cream cheese, kiwi, banana, apple, rasp- n cranberries, almonds n nuts chocolate; tea with aloe vera drink
low-carb pizza w. cream cheese, kiwi, banana, apple, rasp- n cranberries, almonds n nuts chocolate; tea with aloe vera drink
ratatuj wegetariańskie; chlebek 'mleczny' ratatouille; 'milky' bread
Z cyklu 'żeby się nie zmarnowało' / sort of not-to-let-it-go-to-waste
Z cyklu 'żeby się nie zmarnowało' / sort of not-to-let-it-go-to-waste
placek drożdżowy z jabłkami, pomarańcza, kawa z mlekiem
apple yeast cake with apples, orange, coffee with milk
apple yeast cake with apples, orange, coffee with milk
waniliowe mleko sojowe z truskawkami, płatkami cornflakes i migdałami - opcja ultraszybka
vanilla soymilk with strawberries, corn flakes and almond flakes - rapid pre-leave version
vanilla soymilk with strawberries, corn flakes and almond flakes - rapid pre-leave version
pudding z chleba wieloziarnistego z jabłkami i malinami; mleko
wholewheat bread pudding with apples and raspberries; milk
wholewheat bread pudding with apples and raspberries; milk
otrębusie z orzechami; mus z migdałów, miodu, banana, lnu, malin i brzoskwiń; waniliowe mleko sojowe
bran cookies with nuts; almond, honey, banana, raspberries, flaxmeal and peaches mousse; vanilla soymilk
bran cookies with nuts; almond, honey, banana, raspberries, flaxmeal and peaches mousse; vanilla soymilk
gryczane ślimaczki naleśnikowe z twarogiem, figą, bananem, winogronem i migdałami; zielona herbata
buckwheat crepe rolls with quark, fig, banana, grapes and almond flakes; green tea
buckwheat crepe rolls with quark, fig, banana, grapes and almond flakes; green tea
naleśniki gryczane z puree z dyni i twarożkiem podane z miodem i bakaliami, karmelowy rooibos
buckwheat crepes with pumpkin puree and quark served with honey and nuts; caramel rooibos tea
buckwheat crepes with pumpkin puree and quark served with honey and nuts; caramel rooibos tea
owsianka (płatki owsiane, otręby pszenne) na waniliowym mleku sojowym z lnem, rozmiażdżonym bananem, jagodami, malinami, białymi brzoskwiniami, orzeszkami ziemnymi, ryżem preparowanym i masłem orzechowym
porridge (rolled oats, wheat bran) with vanilla soymilk, flax meal, smashed banana, blueberries, raspberries, white peaches, peanuts, puffed rice and peanut butter
porridge (rolled oats, wheat bran) with vanilla soymilk, flax meal, smashed banana, blueberries, raspberries, white peaches, peanuts, puffed rice and peanut butter
muffinki cukiniowo-marchewkowe; serek wiejski z musem ze smażonych jabłuszkek
zucchini-carrot muffins; cottage cheese with applesauce
przepis (en) / recipe: Multiply delicious
zucchini-carrot muffins; cottage cheese with applesauce
przepis (en) / recipe: Multiply delicious
racuszki drożdżowe z jabłkami; sałatka owocowa (maliny, jagody, brzoskwinie, kokos); kefir bananowy
polish yeast pancakes w. apples; fruit salad (rasp- n blueberries, peaches, coconut); banana kefir
polish yeast pancakes w. apples; fruit salad (rasp- n blueberries, peaches, coconut); banana kefir
plastry z kaszki manny z jagodami i malinami; waniliowa kawa zbożowa z mlekiem
sliced semolina with blue- and raspberries; vanilla-flavored grain coffee with milk
sliced semolina with blue- and raspberries; vanilla-flavored grain coffee with milk
makaron ryżowy z malinami, kokosem i mleczną czekoladą; zielona herbata z sokiem malinowym i jagodami
rice noodles with raspberries, coconut and milk chocolate; green tea with raspberry juice and blueberries
rice noodles with raspberries, coconut and milk chocolate; green tea with raspberry juice and blueberries
kokosowo-lniane bananowe pancakes z malinami podane z czekobananem, malinami i kokosem; smoothie z białych brzoskwiń
banana coconut flax pancakes w. raspberries served with chocobanana, raspberries n coconut; white peaches smoothie
banana coconut flax pancakes w. raspberries served with chocobanana, raspberries n coconut; white peaches smoothie
kasza jaglana z brzoskwiniami i miodem; kefir z jabłkiem i cynamonem
millet groats with peaches and honey; kefir blended with apple and cinnamon
millet groats with peaches and honey; kefir blended with apple and cinnamon
pumpernickel with camembert and strawberries in sauce; nectarine; strawberry soy milk
Wracam do domu! <3 / I'm coming back home! <3
sweet scrambled eggs with banana, kiwi and nectarine; strawberry soy milk
jagodzianka z kruszonką; sojagurt naturalny z truskawkami w polewie; kiwi; zielona herbata
blueberry bun with crumble; natural soygurt with strawberries in sauce; kiwi; green tea
blueberry bun with crumble; natural soygurt with strawberries in sauce; kiwi; green tea
serek wiejski z pomidorem; kanapka z serem żółt., pastą jajeczną, pomidorem, sałatą i ogórkiem; zielona herbata
cottage cheese w. tomato; sandwich w. cheese, egg spread, tomato, cucumber, and lettuce; green tea
cottage cheese w. tomato; sandwich w. cheese, egg spread, tomato, cucumber, and lettuce; green tea
jogurt brzoskwiniowy z pokruszonym batonikiem sojowym; marakuja; kawa z mlekiem
peach yogurt with crushed soy bar with amaranth; passionfruit; coffee with milk
peach yogurt with crushed soy bar with amaranth; passionfruit; coffee with milk
muffinka z czekoladą, banan, sok grejpfrutowy, herbata waniliowa
muffin w. chocolate, banana, grapefruit juice, vanilla black tea
muffin w. chocolate, banana, grapefruit juice, vanilla black tea
chleb wieloziarnisty z masłem orzechowym i bananem; pieczone jabłuszka; zielona herbata
multigrain bread with peanut butter n banana; baked apples; green tea
Nie mam pojęcia jaka będzie jakość zdjęć w tym tygodniu. Znów wybyłam, z góry przepraszam :)
I don't have a slightest idea what quality this week's photos will have. I'm outta world, excuse me please :)
multigrain bread with peanut butter n banana; baked apples; green tea
Nie mam pojęcia jaka będzie jakość zdjęć w tym tygodniu. Znów wybyłam, z góry przepraszam :)
I don't have a slightest idea what quality this week's photos will have. I'm outta world, excuse me please :)
omlet biszkoptowy z malinami, jagodami i kokosem; biała kawa
fluffy omelette with raspberries, blueberries and shredded coconut; white coffee
fluffy omelette with raspberries, blueberries and shredded coconut; white coffee
jajko sadzone z cebulką; smażone pomidory; kukurydza; parówki sojowe chili; sałata; chleb rustykalny; biała kawa
fried egg w. onion; fried tomato; corn; chili soy sausages; lettuce; russian black bread; white coffee
fried egg w. onion; fried tomato; corn; chili soy sausages; lettuce; russian black bread; white coffee
babeczki raw kokos-len z jagodami i miodem; nektarynka; drożdżówka z makiem; bananowo-malinowy smoothie
raw coconut-flax seed tarts w. blueberries n honey; nectarine; poppy seed roll; banana-raspberry smoothie
raw coconut-flax seed tarts w. blueberries n honey; nectarine; poppy seed roll; banana-raspberry smoothie
whole-grain banana scones w honey roasted peanuts; raspberries; soy milk
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